First Steps NRA Basic Pistol Course
Course Goals:
To teach the Basic Knowledge, Skills, and Attitude Necessary for Owning and Using a Pistol Safely.
This course is composed of two segments:
Classroom 5 hours.
Range ~4 hours.
You will have use of the NRA Basic Pistol Shooting Student Packet, consisting of the NRA Basics of Pistol Shooting Handbook (2019), NRA Marksmanship Qualification Program Booklet, and Gun Safety Rules Card. You may buy the manual for an additional $15. Range fees are covered.
You will need to bring:
Classroom: your own pistol, magazines, no live ammunition, notebook, pen/pencil. Range information will be disseminated during the class.
You will be evaluated using NRA guidelines both in the classroom and the range:
Classroom: 50 question, multiple-choice and True/False, open-book test
Range: Level I certification, 10-foot range, 5 shots each in 4 targets (example attached, Red target is Level I)
Basic Pistol Refresher
Course Goals: Refresher training for renewing your Concealed Carry Weapon permit.
This course will also be composed of two segments, but is geared towards updates to the law and refreshing the basic pistol skills. Classroom time will be two hours, and a mandatory range to confirm shooting skills.
Personal Protection in the Home (PPITH)
To develop in the students the basic knowledge, skills and attitude essential to the safe and efficient use of a firearm for protection of self and family, and to provide information on the law-abiding citizen’s right to self defense.